Metrix DMM54 Multimetru digital

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Afișaj digital retroiluminat cu 4.000 de numărări

Selectarea autorange

Tensiune / Curent / Rezistență / Continuitate / Diodă / Capacitate / Frecvență / Temperatura / NCV

Oprire automată

Indicator baterie descărcată

Protecție prin siguranțe de siguranță cu capacitate mare de rupere

DMM 54
Display 4,000 counts, backlit
Type of measurement 3 measurements / s
IDC Ranges 400 µA / 4,000 µA / 40 mA / 400 mA / 4 A /10 A
Best accuracy 1% of reading + 5 cts
Best resolution 0.1 µA
IAC Ranges 400 µA / 4,000 µA / 40 mA / 400 mA / 4 A / 10 A
(50 Hz - 400 Hz)
Best accuracy 1% of reading + 5 cts from 5% to 100% of range
Best resolution 0.1 µA
VDC Ranges 400 mV / 4 V / 40 V / 400 V / 600 V
Best accuracy 0.5% of reading + 8 cts
Best resolution 0.1 mV
VAC Ranges 4 V / 40 V / 400 V / 600 V (50 Hz - 1 kHz)
Best accuracy 1.2% of reading + 3 cts from 5% to 100% of range
Best resolution 0.001 V
NCV (EF) Yes
Resistance Ranges 400 Ω / 4 kΩ / 40 kΩ / 400 kΩ / 4 MΩ / 40 MΩ
Best accuracy 1.2% of reading + 5 cts
Best resolution 0.1 Ω
Continuity (with buzzer) Yes (< 50 Ω)
Diode test Yes
Electrical frequency (V) 4 Hz / 40 Hz / 400 Hz / 4 kHz / 10 kHz (V > 15V)
Electronic frequency (V) 2.000 Hz .. 10 MHz
Capacitance 4 nF / 40 nF / 400 nF / 4 µF / 40 µF / 400 µF / 4 mF
Temperature - 18 °C … + 1000 °C (Type K thermocouple) 0 … 1832 °F
Range selection Automatic / Manual
Other features Min/Max / Data Hold / REL Automatic power-off
(15 min.), deactivatable
Safety 600 V CAT III
Dimensions / weight 154 x 74 x 43 mm / 210 g
Nu exista accesorii compatibile cu acest produs
Laborator de Reparatii acreditat ARC Brasov
Laborator de Metrologie acreditat ARC Brasov
Sistemul National de Licitatii Electronice SICAP

Pentru suport tehnic, discuta cu specialistul nostru

Ing. Suport Tehnic Vlad Miron

0733 550 919