DOBLE Doble PDS200 Instrument portabil pentru analiza live a descarcarilor partiale - indisponibil

Instrument portabil pentru analiza live a descarcarilor partiale

Doble PDS200

Echipament pentru masurarea  descărcarilor  parțiale si capabilități EMI.


PDS200 Surveyor este un instrument de supraveghere a descărcărilor parțiale, cu capabilități EMI. Identifică și analizează emisiile de frecvență radio (RFI) și emisiile electromagnetice cu frecvență joasă (EMI). Acestea sunt asociate cu izolația defectă sau degradată și cu alte defecte ale sistemului.

PDS200 utilizează analiza EMI pentru a discrimina între diferite defecte și surse de descărcare în transformatoare, terminații de cablu, stație de înaltă tensiune și echipamente din instalații.

Utilizați PDS200 pentru a face rapid o verificare pe scară largă a sistemului.

PDS200 se conectează cu o varietate de senzori pentru diverse aplicații. Poate fi achiziționat de unul singur sau ca parte a unui kit, cum ar fi EMI Surveyor.



Ușor de utilizat, dispozitiv portabil cu ecran mare

Captează emisiile electromagnetice din spectrul RFI și EMI și afișează o „amprentă” a defectului care provoacă radiația

Selectați parametrii de măsurare pentru a maximiza sensibilitatea la emisii

Sincronizați captarea semnalului cu energia de alimentare pentru a facilita analiza PD în fază

Se conectează la o varietate de senzori (HFCT, sonde, antenă direcțională) pentru diferite aplicații

Eșantionarea sincronă și afișarea ieșirilor detectorului oferă discriminarea operatorilor de telecomunicații, a zgomotului și a fenomenelor de descărcare

Înegistrarea parametrilor cheie pentru trendul emisiilor


Efectuați rapid masuratori, fără întreruperi costisitoare

Fără conexiuni fizice cu echipamentul testat; metoda de detectare este cu adevărat non-invazivă

Metoda sigură și eficientă pentru detectarea defectelor izolației și a defectelor mecanice

Afisarea grafică imediată a măsurătorilor

Înregistrează și analizează emisiile pentru a lua decizii pentru acțiuni ulterioare



The PDS200 is a dual function instrument capable of analysing both EMI External External DC adapter, 12V @ 2A
and RFI emissions from insulation and system defects using a variety Supply
of sensors. During a survey, the three presentation and analysis modes DC Adapter 85-264 VAC (47-63 Hz) / 12 VDC
(Spectrum Analyzer, Time Resolved, and Level Meter) provide different
ways to present and trend a frequency ‘signature’ of the defect and provide Internal Li-Ion, high capacity 7.2V, 6.6 Ah
the analysis to fingerprint the defect. Battery
Battery Life >6 hours
User se



The PDS200 is a dual function instrument capable of analysing both EMI External External DC adapter, 12V @ 2A
and RFI emissions from insulation and system defects using a variety Supply
of sensors. During a survey, the three presentation and analysis modes DC Adapter 85-264 VAC (47-63 Hz) / 12 VDC
(Spectrum Analyzer, Time Resolved, and Level Meter) provide different
ways to present and trend a frequency ‘signature’ of the defect and provide Internal Li-Ion, high capacity 7.2V, 6.6 Ah
the analysis to fingerprint the defect. Battery
Battery Life >6 hours
User selection of the measurement parameters maximise sensitivity
to emissions or follow the spirit of the CISPR-16 standard to ensure Charging Time 3 hours
compatibility of measurement and results interpretation across different
EMI measurement instruments. The instrument can make synchronized DATA STORAGE AND TRANSFER
measurement with the power frequency when the wireless adapter is
connected to a power outlet within 100m (300ft). Internal NV Flash Memory (SD)

DETECTION AND SWEEP FUNCTIONS External USB storage class compliant
USB Flash Drive/Hard Disk Drive
Detector Modes Peak, Average, Synchronous Peak and
Average Mode (S.P.A.M.), Quasi-Peak, Data Transfer USB A/B to and from computer
Synchronous Peak and Quasi Peak (S.P.Q.P.)
XML for use with
Sweep Processing Continuous, Counted and Single Mode File Format Doble PDViewer software

Signal Triggering Based on signal level or by phase Real Time
Phase plot with up to 5000 hits Clock Battery backed

Synchronization Synthesized phase or wireless synchronized
to power frequency
USB 1.1 Host and Client


Frequency Range 50 kHz - 100 MHz 50 MHz -1000 MHz Display TFT, 6.4” Transreflective

Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) 9 kHz / 120 kHz 120 kHz / 6 MHz Size (W x H) 132 x100 mm

Accuracy ± 10 kHz ± 100 kHz Resolution 640 x 480 pixels, 256 colours


Display units MHz/dBm or MHz/dBμV MECHANICAL

Instrument 225 x 310 x 70 mm (WxHxD)
ORDERING INFORMATION 8.85 x 12.20 x 2.25 ins (WxHxD)
Weight 2.4 kg / 5.5 lbs
Transport Case 425 x 284 x 155 mm (WxHxD)
Doble PDS200 16.75 x 11.20 x 6.10 ins (WxHxD)
Complete with transport case, antennae (telescopic and whip), battery charger, neck Weight 3.4 kg / 7.5 lbs
strap and wireless synchronization adapter. PDViewer software is included.
Total Weight 6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs incl. instrument,
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES transport case, manuals, CD and
Scan for electrical pulses (f<200 MHz) as evidence of PD to earth. Can be clipped ENVIRONMENTAL
on an apparatus ground wire (transformers, dead tank breakers) and connected
to a PDS200. Enclosure IP64

Directional Antenna Transport case IP67
Provides more specific location of RFI sources. With this combination you not only
determine the presence of PD sources, you can also establish the direction of the Electrostatic discharge according to EN 61000-4-2
Humidity 0-95% non-condensing
UHF Drain Valve Probe DN50/DN80
Insert into the suspect transformer to find RFI as evidence of partial discharge. Temperature Operating temperature:
-10°C to +50°C / 14°F to 122°F
Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) capacitive probe Storage temperature:
Find PD in metal-clad switchgear (GIS). -20°C to +70°C / -4°F to 158°F

lection of the measurement parameters maximise sensitivity
to emissions or follow the spirit of the CISPR-16 standard to ensure Charging Time 3 hours
compatibility of measurement and results interpretation across different
EMI measurement instruments. The instrument can make synchronized DATA STORAGE AND TRANSFER
measurement with the power frequency when the wireless adapter is
connected to a power outlet within 100m (300ft). Internal NV Flash Memory (SD)

DETECTION AND SWEEP FUNCTIONS External USB storage class compliant
USB Flash Drive/Hard Disk Drive
Detector Modes Peak, Average, Synchronous Peak and
Average Mode (S.P.A.M.), Quasi-Peak, Data Transfer USB A/B to and from computer
Synchronous Peak and Quasi Peak (S.P.Q.P.)
XML for use with
Sweep Processing Continuous, Counted and Single Mode File Format Doble PDViewer software

Signal Triggering Based on signal level or by phase Real Time
Phase plot with up to 5000 hits Clock Battery backed

Synchronization Synthesized phase or wireless synchronized
to power frequency
USB 1.1 Host and Client


Frequency Range 50 kHz - 100 MHz 50 MHz -1000 MHz Display TFT, 6.4” Transreflective

Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) 9 kHz / 120 kHz 120 kHz / 6 MHz Size (W x H) 132 x100 mm

Accuracy ± 10 kHz ± 100 kHz Resolution 640 x 480 pixels, 256 colours


Display units MHz/dBm or MHz/dBμV MECHANICAL

Instrument 225 x 310 x 70 mm (WxHxD)
ORDERING INFORMATION 8.85 x 12.20 x 2.25 ins (WxHxD)
Weight 2.4 kg / 5.5 lbs
Transport Case 425 x 284 x 155 mm (WxHxD)
Doble PDS200 16.75 x 11.20 x 6.10 ins (WxHxD)
Complete with transport case, antennae (telescopic and whip), battery charger, neck Weight 3.4 kg / 7.5 lbs
strap and wireless synchronization adapter. PDViewer software is included.
Total Weight 6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs incl. instrument,
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES transport case, manuals, CD and
Scan for electrical pulses (f<200 MHz) as evidence of PD to earth. Can be clipped ENVIRONMENTAL
on an apparatus ground wire (transformers, dead tank breakers) and connected
to a PDS200. Enclosure IP64

Directional Antenna Transport case IP67
Provides more specific location of RFI sources. With this combination you not only
determine the presence of PD sources, you can also establish the direction of the Electrostatic discharge according to EN 61000-4-2
Humidity 0-95% non-condensing
UHF Drain Valve Probe DN50/DN80
Insert into the suspect transformer to find RFI as evidence of partial discharge. Temperature Operating temperature:
-10°C to +50°C / 14°F to 122°F
Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) capacitive probe Storage temperature:
Find PD in metal-clad switchgear (GIS). -20°C to +70°C / -4°F to 158°F

Nu exista accesorii compatibile cu acest produs
Laborator de Reparatii acreditat ARC Brasov
Laborator de Metrologie acreditat ARC Brasov
Sistemul National de Licitatii Electronice SICAP

Pentru suport tehnic, discuta cu specialistul nostru

Ing. Suport Tehnic Ovidiu Chirilescu

0731 373 661