Metrix GX1030 Generator de functii arbitrare 2x10 MHz 0,001 Hz pana la 30 MHz

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Ecran grafic color LCD mare, panou frontal intuitiv și utilizare simplă,
Tehnologie DDS pe 2 ieșiri pentru cuplare sau duplicare, cu performanțe ridicate (undele pătrate ating timpii de creștere/cădere), distorsiune scăzută

Generarea de semnale standard (sinus, pătrat, triunghi) și semnale mai complexe (puls, rampă sau zgomot alb),

Generarea de semnale arbitrare care sunt precise, stabile și pure, cu distorsiuni scăzute, folosind eșantionare de 150 MS/s cu rezoluție de 14 biți,

Modul SWEEP: Intern, extern sau manual, liniar sau logaritmic, modul BURST complet și realizarea de armonici de ordinul 10: forma de undă și descompunerea armonică

Funcțiile integrate de modulare AM, FM, PM, PWM, ASK și FSK, PSK, PWM facilitează generarea de semnale modulate fără o sursă de modulație independentă,

Până la 16k puncte de eșantionare ale adâncimii semnalului intern, permițând reconstrucția sau simularea oricărei forme de semnal complexe,

Interfață de utilizator în limba engleză și ajutor integrat în generator, Interfață USB pe panoul din spate și Ethernet pentru programarea și controlul instrumentului (stocare și rechemare)
stocarea datelor,

Manual de utilizare a software-ului de programare și SX GENE pentru a construi semnale arbitrare din fișierele achiziționate pe osciloscoapele Metrix sau în software-ul EASYWAVE pentru osciloscoapele DOX

GX 1030
Display 4.3-inch colour TFT screen with high contrast – dimensions 960x 540 mm -24 bits
Controls on front panel 23 direct-access buttons, 1 rotary knob
Adjustment of signal parameters Continuous via the encoder and/digital keypad
BNC output terminals on front panel Generator outputs 1 & 2 – Independent settings (waveform, f, phase, amplitude, etc.), coupled, duplicated or combined channels
BNC I/O terminals on rear panel 3 inputs/outputs for Ext. trigger, frequency meter and 10 MHz clock - synchronization
Signal generation
Signal types Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, White Noise, Arbitrary Signal (196 pre-installed waveforms)
Generation of arbitrary signals
Resolution / Sampling 14 bits / 150 MS/s
Data storage Memory depth 16 kpts - Storage of predefined or specific signals on USB drive
Editing of signals with Sx-Gene Acquisition, transfer & modification of a signal acquired from an oscilloscope (OX5000OX6000, OX7000,OX9000 Scopein@Box)
Graphical or mathematical editing using the Sx-Gene software. Modification of a signal acquired and/or combination of standard signals from the generator
Signal frequencies
Frequency range Sine from 0.001 mHz to 30.000 MHz, Triangle 500 kHz, Noise and Square 30 MHz, Pulse 12.5 MHz, Arbitrary Signal 6 MHz
Resolution / Accuracy 7-digit display - 1 mHz resolution - vertical accuracy <=(1%+1mVpp) at 10 kHz
Long-term drift ± 100 ppm / an
Temperature coefficient < 5 ppm / °C
Voltage levels 50 Ω output = 2 mVss ~ 10 Vss < 10 MHz / 2 mVss ~ 5 Vss ≥10 MHz | HiZ output = 4 mVss ~ 20 Vss < 10 MHz / 4 mVss ~ 10 Vss ≥ 10 MHz
Flatness 7-digit display - 1 mHz resolution - vertical accuracy <=(1%+1mVpp) at 10 kHz
VDC offset ± 100 ppm / year
Impedance / Protection < 5 ppm / °C
Signal characteristics
Sine Typical distortion < 0.075 % for f < 20 kHz, and harmonics < -50 dBc
Triangle (max. frequency 2 MHz) Linearity error < 1% max
Square & pulse Rise time < 16.8 ns (typ.) – Duty cycle 10-90% (DC < f < 20MHz) –Min. pulsed 32.6 ns with 1 ns resolution


AM Modulation FM Modulation
Carrier Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary Carrier Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary
Modulated signals Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arbitrary
(1 mHz-20 kHz)
Modulated signals Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Noise, Arbitrary (1 mHz-20 kHz)
Depth 0% to 120% Frequency shift 0 to 15 MHz


FSK Modulation ASK Modulation
Carrier Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary Carrier Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary
Modulated signals 50% duty cycle (1 mHz to 50 kHz) Modulated signals 50% duty cycle (1 mHz to 50 kHz)

PM Modulation PWM Modulation

Carrier Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary Frequency 1 mHz to 1 MHz
Modulated signals Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Noise, Arbitrary
(2 mHz-20 kHz)
Modulated signals Sine, Square, Triangle, Noise, Arbitrary
Phase shift 0 to 360° Resolution 6.67ns
Other functions
Sweep Burst
Carrier Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Arbitrary Signals Sine, Square, Ramp, Arbitrary
Type Linear/logarithmic Type Short (1-100,000 cycles), Infinite, Gate
Direction Rising or falling Phase start/stop 0° to +360°
Sweep time 1 ms to 500 s Internal period 1 μs to 1000 s ± 1%
Trigger Manual, External, Internal - -

Frequency meter

Measurement range 100 mHz to 200 MHz
Parameters Frequency, depth, period, duty cycle, pulse
Harmonics function
Graphical display 16 even or odd orders generated with amplitude and phase
Combination of channels
Display of setup 2 internal channels CH1-CH2- CH1+CH2

State at delivery
1 generator with 2P+E mains power cable, one USB cable and Quick Start Guide
on paper in 5 languages, User’s Manual and software available for download
GX 1030
30 MHz arbitrary function generator
Reference to order

General specifications
Data storage Storage of predefined or specific signals and complete instrument configurations on USB drive
Communication interface USB Device, USB host -, LAN
Main power supply 100~240 VRMS 45~440 Hz CAT II - < 50W
Software The SX-GENE software is available for download from our support website with the LV and LW drivers
Mechanical specifications L x H x W = 260.3mm x 107 mm x 295 mm – 3.43 kg
Guarantee 2 years

Nu exista accesorii compatibile cu acest produs
Laborator de Reparatii acreditat ARC Brasov
Laborator de Metrologie acreditat ARC Brasov
Sistemul National de Licitatii Electronice SICAP

Pentru suport tehnic, discuta cu specialistul nostru

Inginer Suport Tehnic Adrian Ghighimoc

0732 810 674